Kasia Malinowska-Sempruch

"We live in times in which it is so easy to be preoccupied and distracted by our hectic schedules. Gillian, however, has a rare ability to be present. She is right there with you at any given moment, and in her presence you feel supported, accepted and cared for. This magnificent quality is accompanied by her discerning judgement and expertise in seeking creative solutions."

Kasia Malinowska-Sempruch
Global Drug Policy Program - Open Society Foundations

What people are saying
  • "Gillian's special gift is in enabling very different groups to work together in ways that honour the distinctiveness..." MORE

    Tom Rankin
    Independent Consultant & Facilitator for Canadian School of Public Service

  • "Gillian Maxwell is on a journey to change the world. At the Canadian Drug Policy Coalition she is helping us shift..." MORE

    Donald MacPherson
    Executive Director, Canadian Drug Policy Coalition

  • quote-icon

    "Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." - Rumi

See All Quotes

Gillian Maxwell

I am an experienced public speaker, facilitator and connector committed to raising consciousness individually and collectively to transform our world.

More About Gillian

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(604) 728-7792
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